I often asked myself, why him? Why us? What did we do? Why can't it attack murderers, and rapist? Truth is...I don't have time to ask questions...only time to act. For cancer is not for the weak, it's for the strong...and the strong will SURVIVE!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

9 Days At Duke

The next 9 days were long.  Tony was tired, in pain, but strong.  The pain meds made him sleep..A LOT, it was like he hadn't slept in years.  The boys and my mother in law came to see him Friday night and Saturday and Sunday.  You could tell Tony was in pain and the boys weren't sure what to say.  Tony was good at breaking the ice and getting them to lighten up a bit.  Our nurses were great!!  I got to stay in the hospital with Tony, and refused to leave his side.  Cindy and the boys went home Sunday around noon.

Saturday his best friend Frank came to see him.  That made Tony happy.  Every day Tony got better and stronger.

Sunday Lets take a walk :) Tony started doing laps around the floor.  Also, his boss, boss's boss, and office manager came to see him.  That was BIG for Tony.  You don't hear about companies caring for their employees to the point where they will come and visit them in the hospital!!  But April, Curt, and Paul are special people...they are more than just bosses, they are friends.

Monday...TAKE THE CATH OUT!!!  Poor Tony had a catheter that was driving him crazy.  Luckily he had it removed on Monday.  He finally got a shower.

Tuesday we got to see our babies!!!  Jaime brought Aydin and Ashton up to see us.  I explained to Aydin about daddy's boo boo.  How he needed to be gentle.  Aydin did very well seeing Tony, however it was really hard on Tony.  That was his little buddy.  Seeing Aydin brought tears to Tony's eyes.  But we were so happy that we had a chance to visit :)

Wednesday Tony got to start sipping clear fluids :)  He also received a special call from the Executive VP of his company.  He even chatted with me.  "Anything NCI can do, you let me know!!"  How super sweet of him AND the company.

Thursday We go the pathology report from surgery.  There was still some cancer at the connection site.  Where the esophagus and small intestine met.  It had also spread to his lymph nodes.  :*( 

WHY GOD WHY???  ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I am not leaving this hospital until I speak to an oncologist!!!" I demanded

Just then there was a knock at the door.  It was my sister with 2 caramel machiattos from Starbucks...MY FAVORITE!! :)  She came!!!  I didn't even ask her to but she did.  Some other friends of ours stopped by too and they prayed with us. 

Friday, MY MOM CAME!!!  Appointments were made, doctors answered questions...we felt 100 times better.  Time to fight this thing HEAD ON!!!

Saturday we came home.  April (Tony's boss) and family went grocery shopping for us!! :)

There is no place like home.

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